Zoom outfits by job title

Yesterday was a 12-hour day, which ended in me sitting in bed on my computer pouring through legal documents while watching people give each other STDs on Below Deck Sailing Yacht.

I admit it. We watch trashy TV at night. I'm not really into the full-on period-drama-disguised-porn of something like Bridgerton, but I'll watch pretty much any show where the primary plot device is people yelling at each other over nothing.

This is due in part to me ceding the remote early in our marriage -- I just don't care that much about what's on TV -- and partially to how much fun it is to watch people do dumb stuff. When Nitro Circus was a thing, we'd watch that, too: we're not that picky about the types of dumb things we watch, except when the kiddo watches with us. Then, we need to be careful that he doesn't emulate the stuff on screen (so... no more Nitro Circus).

People are always surprised at the trash we watch, especially since we're both reasonably well-read and my wife was a full-on academic for a moment. You can't really spend all your time thinking deep thoughts or hacking your brain, though. I mean, I guess you can, but that sounds awful.

Today's doodle is just that -- mindless entertainment that made us laugh this morning.

Originally published mid-March 2021 on LinkedIn